Cool Tiger Tattoos Designs
Tuesday, June 15, 2010 by Reportnews
Tiger is one of the most powerful animal in the world. Known as the king of the wild, the tiger is a strong, dangerous creature that hunts animals five times the size of humans. Most people who get tiger tattoos appreciate the animal for its strength, courage, and power. Many cultures view the tiger as an animal that is on top of the world.
Some view the tiger as a source of protection. In ancient China, pictures of tigers were posted on the walls of pregnant women�s rooms in an effort to protect the babies, and many would carry tiger charms to help keep evil away. Shamanism links tigers not only to power and strength, but also to passion and sensuality. They believe that if a tiger were to appear in your life or in your dreams, it may mean that new powers and passions are about to come to life before your eyes. Here are some cool tiger tattoos designs:
Cool Tiger Tattoos in arm