lips makeup .. f.lip makeup

lips makeup .. f.lip makeup

lipsLipstick provides the final touch to your makeup; without it no look is complete.For a perfect result, you will need a steady hand, some practice, the correct implementats and a knowledge of the correcting techniques.

What You Would Need?
A narrow, flat ended brush, a selection of finely sharpened lip pencils, lipgloss and
lipstick(either the conventional tube lipstick or the cream type with a sponge-tip applicator.If your lip colour is uneven, then you will need a special lip base or balancer-use a lighter tone on the dark areas and a dark tone on the light areas.These balancers also form a base for lipstick and help to keep the colour of the lipstick pure and clear.

Lip Makeup Application Technique:
1.Outlining With Lip Liner:

Before outlining the lips check that your lips are smooth and grease free.Use a sharp lip liner pencil in a shade close to that of your lipstick colour and with a steady hand, lightly outline the lips.For the upper lip, start at the centre and work out, towards the corner of the mouth.For the lower lip, work from side to side.

2.Priming The Lips With A Lip Balancer:
Fill in the lips with a special base or balancer to even out the skin tones.If your lips are of an even colour, use a face powder as a base.

3.Filling Up With Lipstick:
Using a lip brush, fill in the colour.For the upper lip start at the center and work outwards.On the lower lip work from side to side.Don't pile up too much colour.It is much easier to add more later than to remove any excess.

4.Blotting Off:
Fold a clean tissue and place it between your lips.Press the lips lightly together to remove the excess colour and to help seal the remainder, so that it stays on the lips rather than moving onto every glass you use.

5.Final Lip Gloss Application:
Finally finish with a lip gloss to get a gleaming look.However, women with extra-full lips, should use lip gloss very sparingly.

Shaping Up Your Lips:
Through a knowledge of what you can do to correct lip shape you can truly achieve a perfect finish to your face.Study the shape of your lips, identify the defects, if any, and decide on what you want to achieve and then proceed.

1.Small Mouth With Small Lips:
small mouth with small lipsThese are easily corrected by taking the lip liner pencil outside the natural lip line.Work slowly and steadily to form a perfect shape.Fill in with primer and finally with the lipstick.A highlight of frosting on the upper lip would also create an impression of fullness.

2.Large Mouth With Full Lips:
Large MouthApply liquid foundation makeup to the entire mouth, then outline with a dark shade of lipstick just inside the natural contours of the mouth.Then aply lipstick of a lighter shade carefully and accurately within this outline.Subdued shades work well for this kind of mouth.Use medium toned lip colours and avoid dark browns, plums, electric brights or pale shimmer shades.

3.Full Upper Lip:
Full Upper LipApply fluid foundation makeup to the upper lip.Outline just inside its natural contour and apply a dark shade of lipstick.Then outline the lower lip just outside its natural contour and emphasize by filling in with a lighter shade of lipstick.

4.Full Lower Lip:
Full_lower_lipOutline upper lip just outside its natural contour.Apply a light shade of lipstick and in the center add a touch of lip gloss.Apply fluid foundation makeup to the lower lip. Outline just inside its natural contour.Then fill in with a darker shade of lipstick, using a lip brush.

5.Wide Mouth:
wide mouthCover the corners of the mouth with foundation makeup or a cover stick.Apply lipstick with a lip brush, stopping a few millimeters before the corners of the mouth are reached.

Patching Up:
If makeup has to be touched up during the day, only powder makeup should be applied, using a brush.Use gentle patting strokes and blot the excess off.

lips makeup .. f.lip makeup

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