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Tuesday, December 29, 2009
by Reportnews
Merry Christmas!!!!! Selamat Hari Natal buat kawan-kawan pencinta gosip Artis Indonesia dan Hollywood, "pemburu" lirik lagu dan penikmat musik Indonesia yang merayakannya.
Semoga perayaan Natal di tahun 2009 ini tidak hanya menjadi pesta perayaan Ulang Tahun tanpa makna, namun memberikan semangat dan motivasi bagi kita semua untuk melangkah ke depan bersama harapan yang baru melalui cinta kasih
READ MORE - Download MP3 Gratis di My Music Sharing
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all things review,
Site Review
Friday, December 11, 2009
by Reportnews
According to you, what sports can attract a lot of rich people and executives for exclusively. The answer is Golf. Golf has their own taste for the fans.
And my question is, whether you're a golf fan, too? Where do you usually play golf? Did you ever think about a vacation abroad and playing golf there? Where do you want to go? Germany? I think you make a very good choice. Why? Of course, since
READ MORE - Golf Shop in Germany!!
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all things review
Thursday, October 29, 2009
by Reportnews
Para fans Artis Korea Rain pasti tersenyum dengan kabar ini. Rain, penyanyi dan aktor asal korea ini rencananya akan tampil di Jitec, Jakarta, pada tanggal 3 Desember 2009. Sayangnya para fans Rain harus membayar 3 juta rupiah jika ingin menonton Rain Asia Tour ini di barisan depan.
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Artis Korea,
Konser Info
Profile Artis Korea
Jung Yong Hwa
Name : � �용화 / Jung Yong Hwa (Jeong Yong Hwa)
Profession : Singer and actor
Birth date : Jun 22, 1989
Height : 180cm
Blood Type : A
Star sign : Cancer
Talent agency : F&C Music
KPOP group : C.N.
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Artis Korea,
Jung Yong Hwa
Friday, October 16, 2009
by Reportnews
Kontroversi kedatangan Maria Ozawa atau yang lazim dipanggil Miyabi ke Indonesia masih terus berlanjut. Kabar terakhir menyebutkan bahwa Kementerian Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata (Menbudpar) akan melarang kedatangan Artis Cantik yang terkenal dengan film-film porno itu untuk datang ke Indonesia.
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Artis Asia,
Celebrity Hot News,
Maria Ozawa
Thursday, October 15, 2009
by Reportnews
Sejak 15 oktober hingga 22 November nanti, Artis Hollywood Julia Roberts akan mulai menjalani pengambilan gambar film Eat, Pray, Love di Bali. Film Eat, Pray, Love ini diadopsi dari buku karangan Robert Gilbert dengan judul sama, Eat, Pray, Love.
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Celebrity Hot News,
Holywood Celebrity,
Julia Roberts
Monday, October 12, 2009
by Reportnews
Profil Sarah Aprilia, Guru Les Seksi. Pernah lihat iklan bertuliskan "Butuh Guru Ke Rumah?" seperti gambar disebelah? Fenomena Sarah Aprilia yang menghebohkan beberapa saat yang lalu mungkin tidak seheboh video porno wulan Guritno dan Sarah Azhari.
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Sarah Aprilia
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
by Reportnews
Bagi anda yang pernah menonton Film Underworld, pasti tidak akan asing dengan nama Kate Beckinsale. Artis Hollywood ini baru saja dinobatkan sebagai "Sexiest Woman Alive" alias wanita terseksi tahun ini. Anugerah ini diberikan oleh majalah pria Esquire.
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Holywood Celebrity,
Kate Beckinsale
Profil Artis Indonesia�
Luna Maya�
Name : Luna Maya
Born/tanggal lahir : Denpasar, Bali, August 1983
Height : 173 cm
Profession : Actress, Model
Luna Maya adalah salah satu Artis Indonesia paling hot dan paling cantik saat ini. Luna memulai karir pada tahun 2004 sebagai model.
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Artis Indonesia,
Luna Maya
Saturday, October 3, 2009
by Reportnews
Name : Farah Fauzan Quinn
Born : Bandung, 8 April 1980
Weight and Height : 50 kg/172 cm
Husband : Carson Quinn
Son : Armand Fauzan Quinn
Education : Pittsburgh Culinary Institute
Career :
Pembawa acara Ala Chef Transtv sejak November 2008
Mendirikan restoran Camus, 2005
Chef di Lydia’s Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Ahli pastry di Arizona Biltmore Resort, Phoenix, Arizona
Chef di
READ MORE - Selebriti Indonesia : Profil Farah Quinn
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Artis Indonesia,
Farah Quinn
Profile Artis Korea
kim hyun joong
Name: Kim Hyun Joong
Chinese Name: 金贤重
Nickname: Sexy Boy
Birthdate: June 6th, 1986
Birthplace: Seoul, South Korea
Blood type: B
Height: 180 cm
Weight: 68 kg
Star sign: Gemini
Education: Hanyang Industrial High School, Kyonggi University
Profession: Actor, singer
Talents: Playing the guitar, piano, drums, and dancing
Hobbies or Interests:
READ MORE - Profile Kim Hyun Joong - Boys Before Flowers
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Artis Asia,
Artis Korea,
Boys Before Flowers
Sunday, September 27, 2009
by Reportnews
Hello Gossip Maniac ... !! Inilah Daftar Selebritis Indonesia atau Daftar Artis Indonesia yang namanya sudah tidak asing lagi di telinga kita semua.
Masih agak kurang sih, tapi mudah-mudahan saja bisa sedikit membantu anda pecinta Gosip Artis Indonesia Terkini, yang butuh informasi gosip terbaru dan terupdate atau foto-foto hot artis-artis Indonesia. Kalau ada tambahan atau rekomendasi artis dari
READ MORE - Daftar Selebriti Indonesia - Artis Indonesia
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Artis Indonesia
Mau mengikuti kegiatan sehari-hari Artis Indonesia idola kamu? Bagaimana jika melalui Twitter saja? Sudah punya account Twitter blum? Jangan bilang blum. Hari gini masih blum tau Twitter, payah ah.
Berikut ini ada beberapa account Twitter Artis Indonesia yang bisa kamu ikuti alias menjadi follower sehingga kamu bisa terus mengupdate informasi dari selebriti-selebriti Indonesia terkait. Kalo mau
READ MORE - Account Twitter Selebriti Indonesia
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Artis Indonesia,
Bla bla bla
Thursday, September 24, 2009
by Reportnews
Lirik Lagu Indonesia
Freestyle 4 Joko Anwar
by Saykoji
Sang sutradara yang tunjukkan arah
Kemas cerita komedi tragedi prahara
Abadikan bicara, tangkap amarah..
Posted in:
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
by Reportnews
Alexandra Asmasoebrata atau yang akrab disapa dengan nama Andra, adalah satu-satunya pembalap perempuan Indonesia di kelas Go Kart maupun mobil Formula yang pernah mengukir prestasi gemilang sebagai Juara Umum Formula Campus Asia 2005 di Cina.
Selebritis Indonesia yang lahir di Jakarta, 23 Mei 1990 ini adalah putri dari Bapak Alex Asmasoebrata yang merupakan mantan pembalap dan ibunya, Sofia
READ MORE - Artis Indonesia : Profil Alexandra Asmasoebrata
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Alexandra Asmasoebrata,
Artis Indonesia
Monday, September 21, 2009
by Reportnews
Profile Pevita Pearce : Foto - Biography
Pevita Cleo Eileen Pearce. Artis cantik berdarah campuran Inggris dan Banjarmasin ini lahir di Jakarta pada tanggal 6 Oktober 1992, dari pasangan Bramwell Pearce dan Ernie Auliasari. Pevita Pearce dikenal lewat film Denias, Senandung di Atas Awan (2006) sebagai Angel.
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Artis Indonesia,
Pevita Pearce
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
by Reportnews
Maria Ozawa atau yang sering di panggil Miyabi, lahir di Hokkaido, Jepang pada tanggal 8 Januari 1986. Dengan tinggi badan 1,62 meter dan berat badan 48 kg, � artis.
Artis cantik yang terkenal dengan film-film mesum-nya ini terlihat sangat seksi dan molek.
Maria Ozawa "Miyabi" mendapatkan pengalaman seks pertamanya pada usia yang sangat muda yaitu pada usia 13 tahun. Ketika itu Maria Ozawa
READ MORE - About Maria Ozawa
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Artis Asia,
Celebrity Hot News,
Maria Ozawa
Gila..Maria "Miyabi" Ozawa akan datang ke Indonesia dan menjadi bintang film "Menculik Miyabi". Wow..
Kabar ini tentu saja menjadi kabar baik bagi para fans Maria "Miyabi" Ozawa di Indonesia yang selama ini hanya bisa menyaksikan "kehebatan" akting Miyabi melalui video porno Miyabi.
Posted in:
Celebrity Hot News,
Maria Ozawa
Thursday, September 10, 2009
by Reportnews
Song Lyrics
Deliver Us From Evil
by Bullet For My Valentine
What's happening to me!?
I'm dying from the inside!
Body hurts too much to feel!
Pressure adds to pain!
Deliver us from evil!
Straying out of sanity!
Why can't you let me be!?
There's nothing else important!
Does my mind mean more to you!?
'cause if I carry on!
Deliver us from evil!
Screaming for your vanity!
Will darkness
READ MORE - Song Lyrics Bullet For My Valentine - Deliver Us From Evil
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Bullet For My Valentine,
Song Lyrics
Hearts Burst Into Fire
by Bullet For My Valentine
I'm coming home
I've been gone for far too long
Do you remember me at all?
I'm leaving
Have I fucked things up again?
I'm dreaming
Too much time we'd have to spend
It hurts, wounds so sore
Now I'm torn, now I'm torn
I've been far away
When I see your face
My hearts burst into fire
Hearts burst into fire
You're not alone
I know
READ MORE - Song Lyrics Bullet For My Valentine - Hearts Burst Into Fire
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Bullet For My Valentine,
Song Lyrics
Waking The Demon
by Bullet For My Valentine
2, 3, 4
My eyes are bleeding from the fear that's inside,
You sealed your demise when you took what was mine,
Don't try to stop me from avenging this world,
No voice to be heard
Waking The Demon,
Where'd ya run to?
Walking in shadows,
Watch the blood flow,
There's not much longer, so don't try and fight,
READ MORE - Lyrics Bullet For My Valentine - Waking The Demon
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Bullet For My Valentine,
Thursday, September 3, 2009
by Reportnews
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Wednesday, August 26, 2009
by Reportnews
Today, I wanted to post a quick post about my favourite episode. My favourite episode is actually a fairly recent episode. It is Episode 16 of Season 6 "The Screenwriter's Blues".
Despite the amazing content in the first parts of this episode, what really did it for me, was the CODA moments. The Fray, playing "You Found Me", was played during the end moments. There were several moments that great.
The reading of Lucas' script was fantastic and when Lucas appears at the hospital to be with Peyton for her screening. This was a great moment in my eyes.
Anyway, just a quick post about what I think, let me know what your favourite episode was!
READ MORE - What's your favourite episode?
Posted in:
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
by Reportnews
For all you lucky Americans out there, Season 6 has been release on DVD for you all today. It is only just airing here in the U.K. and despite having seen it all, I am still watching it religiously. Go out and enjoy your box set. I shall be waiting for it arrive in England.
This could take a while...
Anyway, I want to know what you think of the new cast members? I think Shantel VanSanten, playing Quinn James, should keep the season interesting for us all. Looks like a sassy choice with a lot of attitude. Make sure you leave a comment!
READ MORE - Lucky Americans!
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This has to be, undoubtedly, one of my favourite parts of One Tree Hill. Creator, Mark Schwahn, is known for using some of the best music around in the show. I know we all love and appreciate this, and I believe that this is one key feature that has made it the success it is today!
I recently downloaded the full Season 6 soundtrack from the show, and there are some absolute gems in there! My favourite has to be Grace Potter and Bethany Joy Galeotti singing "I Want Something That I Want." A wonderful song with a great melody and really is the staple song of Season 6 for me.
The show has also incorporated musical talents into the show, which has added a real flare to the musical side. Kate Voegele, as Mia Catalano, has been a huge success and all her music is often played on repeat in my iTunes! Bethany Joy Galeotti is also a huge success because of the show.
Past singer/actors include; Tyler Hilton, Nick Lachey and Bryan Greenberg just to name a few.
Hilarie Burton, playing the part of Peyton Swayer, was also connected to the music industry with the introduction of Red Bedroom Records in Season 5, which is to be taken over by actress Bethan Joy Galeotti as Haley in Season 7.
Some extremely well known bands have also been played on One Tree Hill including; Fall Out Boy, Led Zeppelin and Jimmy Eat World. Jimmy Eat World performed on the show at club "Tric" which was often used as an all-ages club for good music. Karen's cafe, during the early seasons, was also used for musical performances. Artists to have played on the show include; Fall Out Boy, Nada Surf, The Honorary Title, Lupe Fiasco, Gavin DeGraw - and of course, the list goes on and on. We know this trend is to continue into Season 7 with bands such as The Noisettes playing.
Anyway, I am interested to hear what your favourite songs off of the show are. So be sure to leave a comment letting me know.
Be sure to follow me for more One Tree Hill news and thoughts!
Make sure you stick around and follow me on blogspot. You can also follow me on Twitter at www.twitter.com/Patston
READ MORE - The Music of One Tree Hill!
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Welcome to One Tree Hill News! This will be your definitive source for your One Tree Hill needs. For a long time now, I have been the biggest fan of One Tree Hill.
I intend to bring you, the viewers and followers, the most up to date and interesting One Tree Hill news along with information about me and my personal favourite One Tree Hill moments. Be sure to stick around!
READ MORE - Welcome!
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